As our Fall season winds down, preparation for the USA Volleyball season is in full gear.
The first thing is to get yourself registered, if you have not done so already. You can start at to process your GEVA/USAV registration.
Let the Officials' Chair, Tim Countryman, know as soon as possible if you do not plan to officiate this season.
SOMETHING DIFFERENT this season. There will be ONLY ONE rules interpretation meeting this year. We are going to have a SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER. Alan Goldberger, GEVA's Attorney, and a nationally renowned speaker on legal issues for sports officials will discuss ways we can limit our legal exposure in this profession.
Mark your calendar for DECEMBER 4th, 1:00 PM, at Stevens Tech (Room 222 Edwin A. Stevens Building). Details to follow.
Feel free to provide ANY QUESTIONS you would like to have answered. If a fight were to break out, would it be better to let them settle it, or should you try to break it up? If a parent is heckling an opposing player, should you intervene? It happens to all of us, and you find you need to submit an incident report for the record. What should be included? What else have you ever wondered that could land you in court.
Please confirm to Tim at that you will attend.