GEVA Region SafeSport Contact
As a member of our sport community we – coaches, athletes, parents, officials, volunteers, team leaders, and sport leaders – can commit to prevention and we can commit to speaking up. GEVA is fully committed to the SafeSport program.
Our FREE Online Parent Toolkits give you the necessary SafeSport information for your young athlete. Separated by age group or combined for all ages, these Toolkits help parents understand SafeSport best practices and how to respond to signs of abuse.
Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport
Our FREE Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport is designed for the parents of athletes of all ages. This course explains the issues of misconduct in sport and helps parents ensure their children have a positive and safe sport experience.
If you are a parent looking for resources on keeping your athlete safe, you can access this training at no cost. Simply create an account, add the parent training to your bag, and you’ll be able to access the training.